Passport KYB verification

We provide our users with many verification flows based on their interest as we have both Business and Individual flows which will drive the user to the easiest way to choose the type of verification which will match his profile.

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Whole kinds of verifications you are looking for

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Business verification

As we are serving globally which will but any business in conflict with what kind of documents will be required for this country and it considers legal there. We have built our flow and the needed documents based on the business country.

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Individual verification

We provides user KYC verifications to protect your business and your customers. Users can safely store their balances, credit card information under KogoPAY through Passport verification and easily make safe transactions to purchase your services.

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Credit card verification

We are providing our users with CC verification flow which will allow the user to be easy verify his transaction by uploading his e-commerce receipt or even uploading any other documents that will be requested by our risk team to avoid any fraud cases in the future.